Monday, January 16, 2012

Bahamas Life

Day 2 in the Bahamas!  This means that I successfully made it from Denver to Nassau.  Somehow, despite sitting at the correct gate in Miami for about an hour, my SAS buddy Lexi and I still nearly missed our flight to the Bahamas.  I'm not sure how we missed the boarding call, but all of a sudden we heard the last call for boarding for our names.  Oops!  After that, it was smooth sailing into Nassau, and we easily found our hotel.  It's a cute, small place and Melissa and Sabrina arrived in the lobby shortly after I did.  We all had fun last night going to Senor Frog's and meeting a bunch of SAS alumni, on their way to Florida on the reunion voyage.  However, it turns out Nassau is pretty quiet at night.  It transforms from a bustling port city during the day into a quiet city with not much nightlife.  We'll probably go back to Senor Frog's tonight, since it's a good place to hang out with SAS kids.  It turns into a nightclub on Tuesday nights, which we're excited for.

Today, Melissa, Sabrina and I decided to check out the famous Atlantis hotel.  We were prepared to pay around $40 for a day pass - we wanted to see the hotel, and maybe swim in their pools and go on the water rides.  However, the real price tag for what we wanted to do?  $120.  That was just a bit more than we wanted to spend.  We decided to try to see as much as we could for free, which turns out to not be very much.  Eventually, we gave up, and got a drink at a nearby public beach.  It was very nice, but after awhile slightly chilly, so we decided to walk the beach.  We headed back to Atlantis and were actually let into the water park from the beach!  We greatly enjoyed the many beautiful pools, and were just starting to swim in a pool when an employee started talking to us.  When we told him we hadn't purchased the pack that gave us access to the rides, he offered to take us to a water slide, free of charge.  We did the Leap of Faith: a nearly vertical, 60 ft. drop into what appears to be a shark-infested tank.  In reality, you go under the tank, but it was a lot of fun.  Not a bad deal for free!


  1. I can't believe you almost missed your flight! And forgot your yellow fever card I hear. LOL. Good to get all these mishaps out of the way. The slide sounds awesome!!

  2. I can't wait to hear about your room and job! Next country soon to come!
